Monday, January 2, 2012

Changes, Changes

Welcome to You may or may not have noticed, but you no longer have to include the .blogspot when visiting Momma's Reviews! Exciting, no? You can now get here around 4 seconds quicker!

Well, it's a New Year, and I hope it's going great for you (Hope you had a wonderful Christmas too!). I had a heart to heart with another blogger. Can I say blog heart to blog heart? Well, it just so happens that I was up late one night trying to amp up the sociability around this site and this other blogger happened to ask me what I was doing. We got to talking about some of my goals and hopes for Momma's Reviews, and she recommended I take a different approach. It's something that's been on my mind, and I do want to get more beyond the mostly reviews and giveaways that go on here. Though this was the reason I switched from Human Christian to Momma's Reviews, I do want to expand and try some new things to see how it will work out.

I would absolutely LOVE your feedback, which is something I mostly lack, and therefore don't know what type of things that I share are appreciated more than others or not. Hopefully there won't be too much trial and error before I can get that figured out, lol, but bear with me.

For now, i've decided not to focus too much on my Klout score. It's cool if you want better opportunities in working with brands, but unless you're already really active on Twitter and Facebook, it can become quite the task, and it's not something that I have a load of time to put my focus on. I do want to put more attention on Google+. I haven't quite got the hang of things, but I would love to have you join my circle.

I guess that explains enough for now. Thank you for being here and I hope you'll continue to stick around :).


  1. Boy,the world of blogging! As I look around other blogs, twitter act.,facebook and other social networks I too think to myself about the klout,page ranking and many other tools us bloggers need to attract companies and followers. I say it's all a process that we have to step into with the right guidance and support.I can not dedicate all my time as to raising klout or any other tool. What I have done to help my blog is change my site from to Purchasing my own domain. I think we live in a world where we seek to look at others and the way there sites are blooming.I think you are doing a remarkable job with your site and in due time God will reward us both for sticking to doing something that we both love. No matter what...always keep your head up and your heart open!

    May God Bless You this New Year!

  2. who ever that blogger is she gave you good advice :) Good luck with finding your place in the blogging world. There's lots of great opps waiting for you besides review/giveaways. Look forward to seeing your grow in 2011 :)


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